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Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Help and Drinks

Is anyone else obsessed with the movie "The Help"? I have probably watched this movie 50 times or maybe more. Friday night The Hubs was playing golf. I was sitting around enjoying my wine and decided to watch my favorite movie again. The Hubs has just started to laugh at me and can even quote the movie.. LOL! I love the fashion, the decorating, and houses in that movie. I think I'm so obsessed because Elizabeth's house reminds me sooo much of my god-grandparents house. It's kinda scary how much they are alike. The fashion back then and my goodness those hairstyles! I also love looking at the decor- paintings, furniture, bookshelving, I love it all. It's a beautiful movie with meaning but I barely listen because I'm too busy staring at what else I can see this time that I haven't eyed before.

The Help (2011) Poster
I'm debating on reading the book soon. I've been slack on my reading but think that since I love the movie so much the book will be good too. Anyone read the book? Thoughts?

A neighbor introduced me to Hummin' Bird HeLLes by Red Oak. Let me just say- I'm hooked! I was beyond excited to find this at Harris Teeter yesterday. Needless to say I had a beer last night after my walk. I'm also a little obsessed because it's pure meaning zero perservatives or chemicals. I was shocked to read all the additives that only the US allows in food/beer. If you like light ctirusy beer, give this one a try!

As I was walking yesterday I looked at my flowers. I'm still in shock that these haven't died yet. I seriously don't have a green thumb. Some of the reds ones have struggled but the purple petunias have done wonderfully. Thanks for the suggestions on my trail gardener post, I have some ideas of what to try next year. Excuse the mess below, the Hubs was edging.

What's your favorite movie? What's your favorite after work drink?
Thoughts for Thursday
Linking up with Nat and Annie.

1 comment:

  1. Vodka. Ha! I liked that movie too. I like comedies but it is hard to pick just one!! I hate anything scary.
