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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thoughts for Thursday

Happy Thursday Lovies!

+We almost have our first week in January done. I don't know about ya'll but it's been a struggle for me to get back into a routine. This cough I can't seem to kick isn't helping too much either.

+Yesterday was my Hub's birthday! We celebrated with dinner at Lucky 32 (his pick) and a few gifts.

Peanut Butter pie his coworker made for him!

He's probably going to kill me for this picture but it's the only one I took. He hates pictures so he was kinda suprised.. hahaha!

Pimento Cheese dip with pork rinds.

Red beans and rice with sausage.

Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies,and cornbread.

+Was anyone else disappointed in the Lilly sale? The site crashed on me 3 times! I lost all the items I really wanted. I also didn't feel like it was as much stuff as usual. Just wondering if I was the only one?

+I've been searching interior designs and blogs. Everywhere is saying chevron is out this year.. Can I get a hallelujah?! I liked chevron at first but I just think it was just way over used here in NC. Everywhere I looked everything was chevron and I was quickly over it. I actually own 1 chevron item and that's a shirt. I am not going to lie I will still probably wear it but glad to see that trend moving on!

+ Dear Lord it's cold outside today! Kasey is usually an outside dog but on nights/days like today she's an inside dog. She adapts very quickly I must say!

Kasey snoring on the rug last night!

Temperature going to work this morning! NC is not used to this- I'm ready for summer!

+I've been trying to be more positive this year. 2014 is a really rough year for me. Overall I shouldn't complain but health wise it just wasn't my year. I think emotionally it just drained me. I also learned a lot about myself. I'm much stronger than I ever imagined I could be. Don't get me wrong.. I've VERY blessed! I'm grateful for all that I have and overall I should not complain. On that note..I'm praying and hoping for positive/happy thoughts for 2015! 

Happy Thursday Lovies!

Thoughts for Thursday
Linking up with Natalie and Annie.

1 comment:

  1. Good goal! I need to be more positive too. I ended up shopping at the smaller Lilly stores because their sites weren't crashing! Your dinner looks good! I hope he had a good birthday.
