My sweet boys are 5 months old! Not sure how that happened. Your pictures this month crack me up! You both refused to smile. You both are such wiggle worms lately. I still love every minute of it!
Bennett (on right)
Weight/Height from 2/3/16 appointment: You weigh 14lbs 8.1oz. You are 2' 1.75" tall. Not sure what you are right now. I tried weighing you the other night on our scale and it's off. So I gave up.
Sleep: You are still waking up at least 2 times a night to eat. Sigh.
Clothes and Diaper Size: Clothes you can still wear some 6 month things depending on what they are. All sleepers are 9 months now. You are in size 2 diapers for now. You are probably ready for size 3's but I'm finishing off the 2's we have first.
Diet: Formula. We started you on purees. You LOVE it! Your favorites seem to be bananas and sweet potatoes. You've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, mangos, green beans, butternut squash, and avocado. Mommy has made all of your food so far. I hope to be able to keep this up.
Products We Love: You are starting to love your giraffe lovie, Sophie, the swing, and anything that is soft or you can chew on.
Milestones: You are a smiley cooing baby. You can hold your bottle if you want but you chose not to. You blow bubbles constantly. You can get your knees under you to almost crawl but you're too busy chewing on your hands to actually try.
Likes: You love for Mommy to tickle your feet or blow on your belly. You still love patty cake and any time I sing or talk to you directly.
Dislikes: Sitting still in your car seat (still).
Weight/Height from 2/3/16 appointment: You weigh 15lbs 3.1oz. You are 2' 2" tall. Not sure what you are right now. I tried weighing you the other night on our scale and it's off. So I gave up.
Sleep: You are still getting up 2 times a night. You are one hungry boy!
Clothes and Diaper Size: Wearing 9 months pretty much all around with the exception of a few 6 month things. Size 2 diapers but we will probably be going up to size 3 once we finish the open pack of 2's we are on now.
Diet: Formula and purees. Some days you love food and others you'd rather just chug your bottle. You get so hungry that sometimes food doesn't satisfy you quick enough. Sometimes I have to get you a few ounces of a bottle before you will get food. You seem to like all you've tried though. You've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, mangos, green beans, butternut squash, and avocado. Mommy has made all of your food so far. I hope to be able to keep this up.
Products We Love: Bumbo seat, jumperoo (kid you will jump for days!), Sophie, and your monkey lovie.
Milestones: You are still working on sitting up and can for a few seconds on your own. Love to jump. You have strong little legs. You are also trying your hardest to roll over. You almost have it.. you keep getting stuck on your arm. You try to crawl but haven't figured out how to get your knees under yet.
Likes: Jumping in your jumperoo and anyone holding you so you can see the world.
Dislikes: Laying down or anywhere where you can't see everything.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss from our Little Thing 1 and Thing 2! Their expressions crack me up. They are seriously.. another picture?
I swear it looks like they plotting to run away right here. Over the pictures, Mommy!
Time keeps flying by! You boys are so much fun these days. Watching you try new foods and see new things is amazing. You both are so entranced by everything going on around you. Are both becoming very sweet of each other. If you're on your Twin Z pillow most of the time you're holding hands. You are cooing back and forth and definitely notice when one is doing something the other isn't (aka eating!). I hope you stay little buddies forever!
So very cute. I have pictures of my girls in the Thing 1 and 2 costumes. They are the best.
ReplyDeleteI have twin boys that were born in November 2016, and I love coming back to your blog to read your monthly updates! :)