Happy Thursday Lovies! I can't believe my monkey's turned 6 months yesterday! Time.. please.. SLOW.. down!
Bennett (on right)
Weight/Height from 3/31/16 appointment: You weigh 16lb 13.4oz . You are 27 inches tall.
Sleep: You are still waking up at least 1-2 times a night to eat. You gave Mommy some hope with a stretch of once a night but then I think a growth spurt hit again.
Clothes and Diaper Size: Clothes you can still wear some 6 month things depending on what they are. All sleepers are 9-12 months now. You are in size 3 diapers.
Diet: Formula and purees. You LOVE food. You are your Mommy's boy when it comes eating and are always ready to eat. You love sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas, and prunes for your favorites. You've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, mangos, green beans, butternut squash, avocado, peas, apples, and carrots.
Products We Love: You love anything soft like your lovies. You still love your Sophie and are starting to like toys.
Milestones: You flipped over from front to back and from back to front this month. You have never been the biggest fan of tummy time so now you smile and me and roll straight to your back.
Likes: Your brother being silly or crying- you think it's the funniest thing ever! Being sang to, talked to, or patty cake.
Dislikes: Being held too long. You definitely like to stretch out and be free.
Weight/Height from 3/31/16 appointment: You weigh 17lbs 15oz. You are 27 inches tall.
Sleep: You are still getting up 1-2 times a night. You gave Mommy some hope with a stretch of once a night but then I think a growth spurt hit again.
Clothes and Diaper Size: Wearing 9 months pretty much all around with the exception of a few 6 month things. Sleepers are size 9-12 months. Size 3 diapers.
Diet: Formula and purees. You could care less about eating really. You open your mouth to be fed but you're way too busy knocking over everything you can touch. You try to put your hands in the food, buck out of your bumbo seat, or pretty much anything you can do to check things out around you. You seem to like avocados and bananas the best but don't a have a huge swaying of things. You've tried bananas, sweet potatoes, mangos, green beans, butternut squash, avocado, peas, apples, and carrots.
Products We Love: Jumperoo (kid you will jump for days!), Sophie, and your monkey lovie.
Milestones: You are still working on sitting up and can for a few seconds on your own. Love to jump. You have strong little legs. You are rolling around non-stop! You can roll from front to back and back to front. If you're put in one spot.. you're not staying there! :) You want to be moving constantly and seem to get bored easily. You have 2 teeth!! Both are on the bottom. I was so surprised. You stuck your tongue out for the first week or so just trying to get used to them.
Likes: Jumping in your jumperoo and anyone holding you so you can see the world. Someone holding your hand or anything you can pull yourself up on. Thanks to Daddy- the TV remote. You like changing channels and chewing on it.
Dislikes: Laying down or anywhere where you can't see everything and being hungry.
You little monkeys are Mommy and Daddy's whole world! So blessed you both are ours! Love you to the moon and back!
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