I feel like I've been hit my truck this week. This crazy weather has sent my migraines into full on mode. Cameron has decided to fight sleep EVERY single night this week thus far and screams bloody murder. Fun times! Here a few things going on with me..
+ Still haven't posted a decent blog post in a few weeks. One day it will happen.
+ I FINALLY went shopping for myself last Sunday for a bit. I bought some new black skinny jeans and bras. I seriously about had a meltdown trying on bathing suits and decided I'd deal with that another day. I really wanted a pair of white jeans but they all were so low rise. Any suggestions on high waist-ed comfy white jeans? I'm open for suggestions.
+ I have an addiction.. to zulily! I need to unsubscribe to this blasted daily emails. I did score the boys baptism outfits (same ones I had looked at a boutique here) for $24.99 each. That was good. Everything else.. well they will wear it but do they NEED it?! Eehhh.. Mommy has a problem!
+ I want to eat everything in sight lately! I'm not sure what is going on. I'm sure the stress of my doctors appointment tomorrow isn't helping.
+ This weather.. sigh. Rain rain rain. Then tornado warnings, wind, hail, bleck! No one has time for this nonsense! I swear it's like it's rained every week since our boys have been born. No bueno. I need some sunshine and sand in my life!
+ We finally got our bed put back together! Last week my husband came to bed and kinda plopped down. He literally broke the wood side board away from the headboard. In his defense it had slid out a bit but really?! I was NOT a happy camper taking it apart at 11:30 at night. I had been asleep since 9pm. Then the boys were up at 12:30am.
+ I got my car back with no explanation as to why it wouldn't start last week. They replaced the battery for precaution. Fun times!
+ I have become an online shopper. I love to shop but don't have the time any more. 1st world problems over!
+ I haven't prepped a decent meal in weeks. I have got to get back to meal planning. The afternoons after picking up the boys are so busy, I worry about feeding them. My husband and I just figure it out. I really need to step up my game. If anyone has any quick, easy, healthy meals.. please send them my way!
Have a good weekend Lovies!

Linking up with Jessica.
I had the exact same thoughts about swim suit shopping yesterday. I did have to step away from Zulily last year. DANGER for the bank account. Ha. I am glad your car is fixed and your bed. How do you feel about crockpots? I feel like there have to be good crockpot recipes that will help us out, but I feel like they are always bland.