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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday- Gender REVEAL results and 20 week update

Happy Thursday Lovies!

I apologize for the radio silence over here and for making you wait on the results of our gender reveal. I've been preoccupied shopping and nursery planning. So without further wait...

 TWO BOYS are on the way!!

Call it Mother's intuition but I've said from the first trimester that I thought these were two boys. I had a dream- ok a bad dream- but still a dream that they were boys. My Dad used to tell me when I made him mad or did something to cost him money that he hoped one day I had two "MEAN" little boys to pay me back. So I had this dream not longer after finding out it was twins. Fast forward to our ultrasound. We decided to wait and find out with our family. So we turned our heads at the gender scans. When we got in the car, I told my husband that she knew too quickly and it was definitely two boys. He just rolled his eyes at me. Well here we have it!

More gender reveal pictures to come eventually. My MIL was a wonderful photographer but she has all the pictures so I hope to get them from her soon.

Also.. I'm well on my ideas/planning/buying for the nursery. I can't wait to share the details with you soon!

Now my 20 week update..

how far along: 20 weeks! 
size of the babies: Size of mangoes! I know that they are officially 11oz each per the ultrasound tech on Friday. 
total weight gain: 5lbs overall officially. I haven't weighed this week. I choose to not weigh and leave that up to the professionals. :) I go back to the doctor next week so interested to see what they say. 
gender: TWO BOYS!!!
maternity clothes: Yep. Already 100% maternity pants. Some shirts I'm now breaking down and wearing maternity. I'm also pretty much maternity dresses unless they are maxi dresses.

stretch marks: Nope. Starting to itch so I'm sure it's coming. 
movement: Random pokes and kicks nothing constant yet. I feel pressure and movement when I've eaten a lot.    
sleep: Sleeping is so so..I toss and turn a lot because my hips get sore or I wake up on my back and my legs are numb (fun times!). I also have to pee at least 2 times a night. 
missing: A cocktail. It's getting hot here and we went to our club pool. Everyone was drinking rum runners (our bartender at the club is the best at these!). She made me a virgin one but it just wasn't the same. :(
have you told friends/family: Yep! Everyone should know by now. If you see me, you know I'm preggo. Can't hide the bump anymore.
cravings/aversions: STILL.. watermelon- I have been known recently to eat an entire watermelon a day, ice cream, oh and golden oreos.. damn those things. I may or may not have eaten an entire package in a few days.
symptoms: I have to pee ALL the time! 
cries: I seriously tear up at EVERYTHING.. no major cries but some close calls.

labor signs: No

belly button in or out: In.

wedding rings on or off: Well.. I say on. My fingers have swollen a couple of times this week since the humidity is out of control around here. I've been able to take them off for a few and put them back on. Who knows how long this will last. 
the hubs is: finally sleeping well. After our ultrasound on Friday and the doctor saying we had two perfectly healthy babies we both felt like a weight was lifted. He has been sleeping so much better. Which in turn makes me sleep better. 
babies are: six and a half inches long and a 11oz in weight each. The boys are developing more and more with their testicles beginning to descend from their abdomen to their ultimate destination-- the scrotum. 
looking forward to: Decorating the nursery and registering! I feel like I've waited eternity to do this. So fun!
best moments: Finding out that we're having two boys! 
Thoughts for Thursday
Linking up with Natalie and Annie.

1 comment:

  1. Happy half-way there!! :) And congratulations on the two boys!! How fun!
