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Monday, June 15, 2015


Happy Monday!

Chobani Flips contacted me about participating in their #BreakYouMake campaign. This is to honor someone in your life that could use a break this summer. I was very honored to be contacted. This is my first kind of post participating in something like this. I immediately knew who I wanted to honor with this post, my Mom. My Mom is super Mom. I can only hope I'm half the Mom she is to our boys. My Mom works full time, keeps up the house, makes dinner 2-3 nights a week, and still finds time to be there for friends, family, and people in the community. She's amazing. She's always thinking of ours before herself. Even when visiting my house she never just sits and chats, she's always trying to help out around the house or do something for me. Literally she comes to visit and my laundry is done, my dishes are clean, and she's done some odd and end things around my house. I don't know how she does it. She's like the energizer bunny!

Perfect Example of how my Mom is daily- My Gender Reveal Party. My Mom volunteered to cook chicken breasts and legs to help my husband out as well baked beans. She gets there, helps me set up, fixes my nieces hair for her dance recital that night, cleans my ENTIRE kitchen and organizes all the leftovers into take home containers for everyone, and then proceeds to clean the rest of my house until I yell at her to come sit a minute. She may drive me crazy sometimes but I'm blessed to call her my Mom. She definitely deserves a break! :) Who in your life deserves a break? I would love to hear your thoughts!

*This is not a sponsored post. This is merely to participate in a campaign. All opinions and thoughts are my own.*

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, such a sweet post! Love chobani! Can your mom come to my house? :-)
