It has been killing me to keep a secret these days but let me tell you I have been holding in a good one.. I'm 12.5 weeks pregnant.. with TWINS!!
+ We found out a week before my birthday in February. I woke up that Saturday morning at like 5:30 in the morning to pee and knew it was my usual "test day". I didn't feel any different and almost didn't take a test because I was so tired of seeing negative signs. I then thought if I didn't take it, I would spend all day wondering. So I took one and went back to bed. I laid there a few and then thought, I probably should go check that. I looked and saw the faintest blue line. I ran into the bedroom asking my Hubs to look. Is this a line? An actual line? He was asleep and not really interested in waking up. So I ran back into the bathroom and found a digital test. I took it again (I know you're not supposed to do that). I went to sit it down and go back to bed but before I did I saw the words.. PREGNANT! I ran into the bedroom literally jumping on the bed screaming to my Hubs. I smiled and said- you're not going to go back to sleep now are you? Nope! I was so excited!
+After years of trying I was overjoyed to find that I was finally pregnant. I prayed for years for a baby. We had a couple almosts that really took it's toll on me. But when I found out at 6 weeks that there were not one but TWO babies in there- I cried my eyes out for like 3 days. I cried because I was in shock, I cried because I still have no idea how we are going to afford two little ones, I cried because I wanted this for so long, and I cried because well I just down right overwhelmed. Be careful what you pray for my friends! I'm living proof.
+Did we do fertility? Yes and no. Yes we did IUI or artificial insemination after over a year of trying ourselves with issues. I took trigger shots to time ovulation perfectly. My statistical chances of having multiples.. less than 7%. We opted to not even try IUI with injectables because it barely increased our chances of conceiving and drastically increased our chances of multiples. We decided that we would try 5 rounds of IUI, if that didn't work we would start IVF. We did 4 rounds of IUI before I got pregnant. I went in each time before I did my shot to make sure I had a follicle (soon to be egg) there and mature. I only had one egg per the scan. So when the doctor said it was two babies and they are fraternal?! Only God had his hand in that. Science is stumped. These are truly my miracle babies! Side note- my Hubs and I both have very distant twins in our families but no one close to us.
+I'm absolutely chomping at the bit to find out if these babies are two boys, two girls, or one of each. In a perfect world I would love one of each to experience it but really.. I don't care. I just want to know! I am ready to decorate, register, and pick out some names.
+I am EXTREMELY lucky that I haven't been sick. I have felt some nauseous queasiness. I've been really tired. My allergies and asthma have seriously put me out of commission for almost 3 straight weeks. I still consider myself lucky that I haven't been throwing up so I'll take it.
+ I hope I'm not too annoying but I do plan to do some bump updates. I can't promise them every week but I hope to do the best I can. I only plan to be pregnant this one time so I really want to enjoy it and take it all in!
+ I really miss having my energy. I'm finally (fingers crossed because it's not 100%) turning a corner in the food department. I've literally eaten take out every lunch and dinner for the past 5.5 weeks. The smell of cooking food made me want to gag. I miss exercising and getting things done around the house. By 3pm at work I literally want to put my head down and take a nap. So worn out! I barely made it into work some days. Blog, my household chores, cooking, laundry, and I'm sure a few other things definitely took a back seat. I hope to slowly change that.
Happy Thursday Lovies!
Congratulations!!! So excited for you. One of my best friends had twins in 2013 and she said the first year is really hard but now they're so much fun and best friends
ReplyDeleteOh my word, so, so happy for you!!! Congrats, doll!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!! What a blessing! Don't worry about annoying anyone with your bump dates! I do a weekly one and I figure it's my blog, I'll post what I want! :) So happy for you!
ReplyDeleteCongrats gal!!!! What an amazing surprise. I'm so happy for you and your husband to (finally) be able to start your family. Thank you for sharing your story. I'm also so glad to hear you have been feeling well!! I hope that keeps up for you.
ReplyDeleteI missed this!! Congratulations!!! Holy Moly! This is so exciting. I look forward to reading about this exciting adventure!!!!