Happy Thursday Lovies! I meant to post this earlier this week but work has been down right crazy lately. Sorry this is going to be a very long post. I hope everyone is having a great week!
how far along: 4 weeks!
size of the baby: A seed! I so desperately want to hold one in my hand.
total weight gain: I started this journey with about 15 extra pounds I've been annoyed with for the past 1.5 years. Oh well!
gender: No clue! I don't care. I just want a happy healthy baby.
maternity clothes: Definitely thinking about them. I've already ordered some stuff from Target and A Pea in the Pod. Hey.. A Pea in the Pod had some some clearance going on! But all normal clothes for now and I hope it continues for a bit.
stretch marks: Nope.
movement: Only if you count the butterflies I get when I think about being pregnant.
sleep: Lately I haven't been sleeping well at all. It started about a week before we found out. I sleep well until about 3am-5am. I wake up to pee and toss and turn until time to get up.
missing: Nothing yet.
have you told friends/family: Nope. Sooo hard to screaming it to the world!
cravings/aversions: I haven't really had any cravings. I'd had aversions to bananas (I usually eat one a day), anything that smells strong, and sweets (If you know me.. this is bizarre because I love some sweets!).
symptoms: Lots of cramping and twitching. It makes me nervous but I keep reading it's normal. Other than that.. nope.
cries: A lot. Well this has been a journey for us so my hormones have been a damn mess! I cry at random things though.. the news.. tv..sigh is what it is..
labor signs: No
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: Still trying to wrap his head around it. I keep saying the baby and he looks at me like I'm crazy. I think once we have an ultrasound and get to 10-12 weeks when we can tell people he will be good. He's been really sweet but trying to hold me back from buying everything under the sun already!
baby is: a tiny ball of cells and is busy settling into his/her new home (my uterus), prepping for all the crucial development s/he will be doing over the next six weeks!
looking forward to: Our first appointment. Since we had to use a fertility practice to get pregnant we'll be monitored from now until 8 weeks with the fertility clinic and then with my regular ob-gyn. I'm ready to see the baby on the ultrasound. Also.. telling people. It's so hard to keep this quiet. I want to tell the entire world! Hopefully by Easter everything will be checking out good and we can tell both sides of our families!
best moments: Finding out we're expecting! I'm still in shock! After a year and half of trying, shots, drugs, appointments, acupuncture.. I felt a little different but chalked it up not using acupuncture this month. I was cramping the morning I took my test and was in shock when I saw that little blue line. I immediately took a digital test because I wasn't trusting that line. Ha!
5 Week Update!
how far along: 5 weeks!
size of the baby: A sesame seed.
total weight gain: None yet.
gender: No clue! I don't care. I just want a happy healthy baby.
maternity clothes: I bought some pants this weekend. I'm really bloated. My doctor says it's normal and that it will go down. I hope so or I'm going to be showing before we're ready to tell people! :)
stretch marks: Nope.
movement: Only if you count the butterflies I get when I think about being pregnant.
sleep: Thank goodness my little insomnia spell is over! Sleeping well. I wake up at least 2 times a night to pee already but I go right back to sleep thank goodness!
missing: I missed a little wine this week when my Hubs made spaghetti. Luckily I had some non alcoholic. One glass of the non alcoholic and I was good.
have you told friends/family: Nope. Sooo hard to screaming it to the world!
cravings/aversions: I haven't really had any cravings. I'd had aversions to bananas (I usually eat one a day), anything that smells strong, and sweets (If you know me.. this is bizarre because I love some sweets!).
symptoms: Lots of cramping and twitching. It makes me nervous but I keep reading it's normal. Other than that.. nope.
cries: None really this week. I had a few teary moments but no cries.
labor signs: No
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: Holding me back from buying baby things. We actually had a disagreement in a store at the beach. They had white satin shoes for boys or girls. He flat out refused to let me buy them. I told him he was no fun!
baby is: growing his/her little brain, heart and circulatory system.
looking forward to: Our first ultrasound next week. Praying this baby has a strong heart beat.
best moments: Having a relaxing, low key birthday with my husband!

how far along: 6 weeks!
size of the baby: sweet pea.
total weight gain: None yet.
gender: No clue! I don't care. I just want a happy healthy baby.
maternity clothes: Pants yes or belly bands but everything else I'm ok right now.
stretch marks: Nope.
movement: Only if you count the butterflies I get when I think about being pregnant.
sleep: waking up 2-3 times a night to pee but otherwise good.
missing: Nothing really.
have you told friends/family: Yes.. after our appointment and finding out some big news we have started to tell.
cravings/aversions: I haven't really had any cravings. I'd had aversions to bananas (I usually eat one a day), anything that smells strong, and sweets (If you know me.. this is bizarre because I love some sweets!).
symptoms: Lots of cramping and twitching. It makes me nervous but I keep reading it's normal. Other than that.. nope.
cries: Bawled my freakin eyes out at the doctor this week!
labor signs: No
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: in shock. He keeps telling me it will be ok.
babies are: growing his/her kidney, liver, and lungs. Hearts are now beating at 80 times per minute.
looking forward to: I guess finding out what these BABIES.. YES BABIES are.. 2.. fraternal twins!
best moments: Freaking out moment when the doctor saw two healthy heartbeats on our ultrasound.. I started crying immediately.. 2? I was worried how we were going to afford one and you're telling me two??!!
7 Week Update!
how far along: 7 weeks
size of the baby: Babies are the size of blueberries!
total weight gain: Still haven't officially weighed.
gender: At least 10 more weeks until we will find out. I'm DYING to know. I would love to have a boy and a girl but we'll see what God give us. Healthy babies please!
maternity clothes: belly bands and maternity pants. I can wear everything else as normal.
stretch marks: Noticed a couple on my hips this week.. BOO!!
movement: Nope.
sleep: Pretty good. I ordered a pregnancy pillow this week. My Hubs was NOT happy! Hahahaha
missing: Some energy but otherwise nothing.
have you told friends/family: We've told my parents. We're trying to schedule telling my inlaws this weekend. We wanted to tell them last weekend but they were out of town and busy. Trying to coordinate 3 sets of parents is hectic! Still a little early to be telling but I'm starting to show so might as well.
cravings/aversions: No real cravings. Definitely aversions and they seem to change daily. Overall definitely can't handle sweets.. bleck!
symptoms: Constant bathroom breaks and aversions. I'm soo blessed!
cries: None this week. Last week was enough for awhile.
labor signs: No
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: Excited to tell his family. His Mom is stressing him out with her busy schedule and him dying to tell her. I think he's still overwhelmed or in disbelief we're having two babies!
babies are: Forming their mouths and tongue. Arms and leg buds are sprouting and their little kidneys are getting to do their job.
looking forward to: Seeing the look on my inlaw's faces!
best moments: Having my last ultrasound at Carolina Conceptions, getting the ok that these babies are healthy, and scheduling appointments with my regular OB.
8 Week Update!
how far along:8 Weeks
size of the babies: raspberries
total weight gain: Finally was weighted this week and shockingly haven't gain any lbs but boy are things shifting. I definitely have a little bump!
gender: No clue.. dying to know!
maternity clothes: Pants yes and belly bands. All regular shirts for now.
stretch marks: Just the few on my hips.
movement: None yet.
sleep: Sinus infection and allergies have been kicking my butt so not really sleeping all that well.
missing: Deli meat for some odd reason. I never really cared that much for it before but now I can't have it, it's all I've wanted.
have you told friends/family: Parents, siblings, step siblings, and boss. Hoping to hold out until Easter for everyone else.
cravings/aversions: Nothing really this week. My allergies and congestion having me not being able to taste anything.
symptoms: Bloated and boobs hurt.
cries: A few tears when I was really sick but otherwise, good.
labor signs: None
belly button in or out: In
wedding rings on or off: On
the hubs is: Trying to get his mind wrapped around 2 babies. He was so excited to tell his family this weekend.
baby is: having a heartbeat at a rate of 150 times per minute, making spontaneous movements as they are twitching tiny trunk and limb buds.
looking forward to: Having another ultrasound to check on the monkeys next week.
best moments: Seeing the look on family members faces as we announced our big news!
9 Week Update!
how far along: 9 Weeks
size of the babies: green olives
total weight gain:
gender: No clue but I had a kinda sort nightmare that they were two really mean little boys.
maternity clothes: Definitely maternity pants or belly bands. Everything else regular for now.
stretch marks: Still a little on my hips. I've been using Palmer's coco butter and coconut oil.
movement: None yet
sleep: I haven't been sleeping all that great thanks to a cough but when I can I could sleep forever. Always tired these days.
missing: Having my old energy level and getting things done at home, work, and errands.
have you told friends/family: Parents and siblings know. We are holding out to tell extended family and friends until Easter.
cravings/aversions: Anything spicy, garlicky, strong smells. I had a craving for a peanut butter cookie yesterday.. first time I've really wanted anything sweet.
symptoms: Just super tired and picky eating.
cries: No actual breakdowns but I swear I tear up at the slightest thing these days.
labor signs: Nope.
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: The cook, the cleaner, and everything in between these days. I haven't felt like doing anything!
babies are: developing tiny muscles
looking forward to: Seeing these little monkeys on the ultrasound again later this week.
best moments: My aunt asking if I had lost weight this week and told me I looked good. As bad as I felt, it made me feel good. Little does she know I'm preggo. We are still keeping that from them right now!
10 Week Update!
how far along: 10 weeks!
size of the babies: Babies are the size of prunes (1.5 inch long).
total weight gain: 2 lbs per my last appointment. I'm kinda banking on 1lb since I had boots on. A girl can dream!
gender: No clue.. excited to find out!
maternity clothes: Pants yes! Everything else regular for now.
stretch marks: Nothing new but using lotions and oils.
movement: None yet.
sleep: Ok. I've had an annoying cough that has bugged me more than anything else.
missing: Everything I'm not supposed to eat! Figures..
have you told friends/family: Immediate family yes. Waiting for Easter and 12 weeks to tell extended family and friends.
cravings/aversions: The smells of food. I can't cook at all these days. I can but then I can't eat any of it. Hoping this will go away soon.
symptoms: Sore boobs, little bump out there, picky eater.
cries: Nope.
labor signs: Nope
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: Counting down the days to tell our extended family and friends. Also counting down until we can find out what these two little monkeys are!
babies are: forming tiny buds of baby teeth under their gums. Their stomach and kidneys are kicking into gear, producing digestive juices and urine, and if any or both are boys- his testes are making testosterone.
looking forward to: Finally telling everyone.
best moments: Seeing our monkeys on the ultrasound screen last week. They are growing!! So crazy!
11 Week Update!
how far along: 11 Weeks!
size of the babies: Babies are the size of limes!
total weight gain: I haven't weighed but I'm guessing around 2-3lbs.
gender: No clue but dying to know!
maternity clothes: Pants yes but normal shirts.
stretch marks: Nothing new to report but using coco butter lotion, vitamin E, and coconut oil.
movement: Nothing yet.
sleep: I sleep pretty well. I wake up a couple of times to pee but usually go right back to sleep.
missing: Energy. I start off pretty good but by 3:30-4pm I'm ready to crash for the day.
have you told friends/family: Immediate family yes. Very close friends, yes. We plan to tell all our extended family this coming weekend! Then as we see other friends we will share the good news!
cravings/aversions: Still really picky about meat especially chicken.
symptoms: Nothing really to mention.
cries: Totally cried reading Natalie's thankful 35 birthday post. Such a sap!
labor signs: Nope and pray it stays that way for the long haul.
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: Excited to tell family and friends this weekend. Lecturing me on my spending because I can't decide on a diaper bag and I seriously ordered 4 last night and I hope I like one.
babies are: busy growing hair follicles, fingernails, and ovaries (if one or more is a girl!). Has distinct human characteristics by now, with hands and feet in front of their bodies, with ears nearly in their final shape, open nasal passages on the top of their tiny noses, tongues and palates in their mouth, and visible nipples.
looking forward to: Finally telling everyone our good news!
best moments: Getting to see the look on everyone's faces when we tell them this weekend!

12 Week Update!
how far along: 12 Weeks!
size of the babies: Babies are the size of plums!
total weight gain: I haven't weighed but I'm guessing around 2-3lbs.
gender: No clue but dying to know!
maternity clothes: Pants yes but normal shirts.
stretch marks: Nothing new to report but using coco butter lotion, vitamin E, and coconut oil.
movement: I MIGHT have felt something last Saturday night when I ate waayy too much dinner. It was weird. I told my neighbor who was sitting beside me that it felt like a butterfly across my stomach. She laughed and said that's how it starts. So maybe I felt my first sign of movement. Nothing else since.
sleep: I sleep pretty well other than my back is starting to bother me at night. I promptly scheduled a prenatal massage for Monday. I have some gift cards. :)
missing: Energy. I start off pretty good but by 3:30-4pm I'm ready to crash for the day.
have you told friends/family: All of our family knows! Some friends know. I've been waiting to see them in person to tell them. I love to see people's faces. :)
cravings/aversions: None really.
symptoms: Just really tired.
cries: Proud to say nope!
labor signs: No.
belly button in or out: In.
wedding rings on or off: On.
the hubs is: doing well. He was excited to tell family last weekend. He's starting to get excited to find out what these little monkeys are.
babies are: maturing their little systems. The fetal digestive systems are beginning to practice contraction movements necessary for eating, and their bone marrow cells. Their pituitary glands have started producing the hormones that will allow them to make babies of their own in a couple decades or so.
looking forward to: Seeing these little monkeys on the ultrasound again.
best moments: Seeing the looks on people's faces when we say we're pregnant with TWINS. One of my aunt's had the best facial reaction. I swear I wish I had a picture or video of it!
Linking up with Natalie and Annie.
Twins?! Yay! It must have been so much fun telling your family and friends!
ReplyDeleteTwins! How exciting! I can totally relate to your shock when they told you two, well kind of. My first question to the ultrasound tech was "how many are in there?" Of course, we just have the one, but I'm so excited for you!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations! That's so awesome! I can't wait to follow this adventure:)