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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thoughts for Thursday- AKA My Weekend Recap..

Happy Thursday  Lovies! I'm determind to catch up on blogging before Christmas hits us.. So sorry I'm behind but so my thoughts this Thursday are my weekend recap!

Our company gives us a day of purpose to use whenever throughout the year. Well I hadn't used mine yet so I decided to take Monday the 8th off. So I had a nice long weekend!

Friday night we attended the Hub's grandfather's wife's (get all that?!) 75th surprise birthday party! She was shocked. It was very sweet! We had some good food. And I suck at remembering to take any pictures! These were stolen from my MIL's facebook. Sadly none of me and my Hubs. Oh well!

She makes 75 look good!

Saturday I joined one of my favs for brunch, mimosas, girl talk, and shopping! It was soo good to catch up with her. Here is some silly fun we had shopping around.

A little Christmas tree for your head!

I loved the mistletoe headband!

We were looking at nutcrackers and these made me smile!

I was too lazy to wash my hair for our morning out so I decided it was the perfect time to sport my new hat! I love hats! I seriously would love to live in London. If I thought I could have gotten away without everyone hating me I would have made it mandatory to wear hats my wedding and wedding events! Please excuse the messy bathroom.. real life here! 

Sunday we had our annual family Christmas with my friends. We had appetizers and our white elephant exchange. Again I suck at taking pictures. The host is supposed to be sending me our pictures. So maybe I can post those soon. We have so much fun! The gift exchange is always hilarious! There are several items that are still being passed around- almost 7 years going!

Monday was my day of purpose and I had planned lunch and errands with my Mom. Well life takes some crazy turns sometimes. My aunt's MIL passed away. She was 87. She lived a good life but it was still sad. I attended the services on Monday with my family. I guess the day was intended for an even greater purpose.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

Thoughts for Thursday
Linking up with Natalie and Annie.

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