+ The Hubs went dove hunting last Saturday. (I cringe when I say this because I swore I would never marry anyone that hunted). He does eat everything he kills so at least he doesn't do it for sport. He decided to cook this Tuesday night for dinner wrapped in bacon. I had never had it before. It was better than I thought but definitely not something I would look forward to eating regularly.. just my 2 cents!
+ I had a photo restored of my God grandparents this week. Geez that was definitely more money than I expected to spend but it's worth every penny. I love these two people with all my heart! There is an actual portrait of this photo in their living room. I can remember so many days playing in the living room staring at this picture. My God grandma was/is so pretty! Below is the finished result. I have a CD if I want to make duplicates and I have a 5X7 I want to incorporate into my gallery wall. Fotoshoppe did an amazing job!
+ I'm working on my gallery wall. I can't decide if I want to do a mixed style of frames or matching. Anyone have any thoughts they'd like to share? I finally ordered a few pictures to put this together. Now to decide on the frames.. decisions decisions... I like these inspirations below.
+ I planted some pansies around our new concrete border. I also planted in my planters to move to the front after I take down my Christmas decorations. I'm kinda loving them! If you had told me 5.. even 2 years ago that I would be planting flowers and actually enjoying it.. well I would have laughed in your face!
+ I'm counting down the days until I buy our sweet dog her Christmas treats! Yes.. she gets her own Christmas cookies! I buy all over her treats from Woof Gang Bakery. There is one near my office. They have the cutest decorated cookies and cakes. I also got her birthday cake from there.. she loved it! See below from May.
Happy Friday! Have a good weekend and enjoy some Christmas cocktails!

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