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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

10 Months!

Happy Tuesday!

I can't believe it's already August. Even crazier.. I have two - 10 month olds! How did that happen?!

Bennett (On the Left)
Weight/Height from 07/07/16 appointment: You weigh 19lbs 4.3oz and are 2' 5". 

Sleep: You are still sleeping like a champ for the most part. 

Clothes and Diaper Size: Most clothes are 12 months- 18months. You are in size 3 diapers.

Diet: Formula, purees, and regular food. You LOVE eating off Mommy's plate. You literally scream if anyone is eating anything around you. You want to eat too. 

Products We Love: Phil and Ted's Lobster chairs.. seriously! BEST THINGS EVER!! And no they didn't sponsor this but seriously.. buy one of these! Still love Sophie and your lovie.

Milestones: You are trying to crawl. You can't quite get it going but I feel like you will have it any day now. You can sit yourself up now as well. 

Likes: You sing, babble, and laugh. You love looking at yourself in the mirror. 

Dislikes: Not being able to chase after your brother when he's off crawling. 

You LOVE to grab Mommy's face and push your nose against mine. It's seriously the sweetest thing ever! You are still kinda of a Mommy's boy but I love every minute of it.

Cameron (On the Right)

Weight/Height from 3/31/16 appointment: You weigh 21lb 11.3oz and are 2' 6" tall. 

Sleep: You FINALLY starting sleeping through the night after vacation- thank you Jesus! I am hoping this trend continues because Mommy is loving it!

Clothes and Diaper Size: Wearing 12 months-18 months now. Size 3 diapers.

Diet: Formula, purees, and regular food. Your brother screams for food and when we feed him.. you then scream for some too. You can kill a cracker in no time flat and still love all the sweet fruits!

Products We Love: Phil and Ted's Lobster chairs.. seriously! BEST THINGS EVER!! And no they didn't sponsor this but seriously.. buy one of these! Still love Sophie. Anything you can chew on you like.

Milestones: You are pulling up to stand on everything and attempting to cruise. I feel like my days of a non-walker are limited. You started clapping and mimic us this month. 

Likes: Standing up, holding your hands so you can attempt to walk, and being able to see everything. 

Dislikes: Laying down or anywhere where you can't see everything, not getting attention when you want it and being hungry. Still not the biggest fan of the pool. 

You give angel kisses perfectly and giggle. You are obsessed with touching Mommy's teeth and buttons on clothing (especially if they are shiny). 

We moved you both to your big boy car seats this month. Mommy couldn't handle carrying you anymore in the bucket seats. You both seem to have adjusted well to your new seats. I can't believe that we are less than 2 months away from your first birthdays. It feels like yesterday I was VERY pregnant and you were born. Time flies when you're having fun! 

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