+ I totally stole some of my boys applesauce. I try all their food and I swear it's the best damn applesauce I've ever tasted. It's organic gala apples- peeled, diced, and thrown into my Baby Breeza. They love it and I see why!
+ I fell off my no spending month wagon. The Hubs might kill me! I was doing so well until I got all those Memorial Day sale emails.
+ I ran into Target yesterday morning to get some salad dressing. I still love thousand island every once in a while. I picked up a bottle of Ken's and was completely grossed out by the ingredients- high fructose corn syrup.. cellulose.. So that nonsense went right back on the shelf.
+ This 60 degree one day and 90 the next around here is killing my allergies. I've had constant headaches. Mother nature.. please pick a temperature (I don't even care which) and stick with it pretty please?!
+ C is teething and poor baby isn't sleeping well at ALL.. Which means I'm NOT sleeping well. Please lord grant him some relief so Mommy can get some sleep. Thank you lord that B is good.
+ I may have the BEST Hubby ever! I was out until 10:30.. cue shocked face because this does NOT happen anymore.. last night with the girls and he sent me a text around 10 saying he was going to sleep in the guest room across from the boys. He would handle them so I could get some sleep. Thankfully Mommy got some sleep and the babies did pretty good for him.
+ I survived my husbands family reunion weekend. I can't tell you how glad I am to say it went well and it's over until next year.. YAY! I had to share one picture of the boys on the beach. My little beach babies!!
+ I had our last girls dinner with the 3 of us last night. I know she will be back but losing one of your besties to an hour plane ride away=no bueno! Our dinner was amazing! I had to share a picture. Sadly.. we girls didn't take a picture :(.
Linking up with Danielle @ Sparkles and Lattes.
I love girls nights and even better when sushi is involved. I hate when you read the ingredients on something you love and then see how bad it is and have to put it back. Maybe you can make a dressing that's better for you? I loved my girls honeycrisp apple sauce too. So good.