Happy Thursday Lovies!
-I've been a horrible blogger lately. I haven't done weekend recaps because honestly we haven't done too much but work on the nursery and organize baby things. Work has been insane and this soon to be Mama is tired at the end of the day.
-I'm dying to get my hands on the pictures from all my showers. My MIL was gracious enough to take pictures for everything but we haven't been able to meet up so I can them from her.
-It's still really surreal that there are two babies in me. I mean really?! I don't think it will exactly sink in that this is reality until they are here. I've been wanting to do a love letter post for the boys but literally start bawling every time I try to start. Maybe I'll get that done one day.
- My doctors have said that they will be thrilled if I make it to 34 weeks and any day after is just icing on the cake. So monkeys..please stay put until at least September 7th. Mama will be grateful. But any time afterwards I'm ready to meet you.
-I'm terrified of labor and delivery. I had pretty much had the mind set that I would have a c section. Well both boys have been head down for about a month now. Everyone keeps saying.. that's great! Well maybe so but it seriously scares the hell out of me! I know God has orchestrated this plan and I just have to trust that he will take care of us but the anxiety is starting to creep up.
far along: 32 weeks! (6 weeks or less until the monkeys get here! Not
that I'm counting or anything :))
cries: I
seriously tear up at EVERYTHING.
labor signs: No. thank you lord!
belly button in or out: It's definitely poking out. Certain dresses or shirts you can definitely see it.
wedding rings on or off: They've been off completely. My feet and fingers are puffy. Bleck!
labor signs: No. thank you lord!
belly button in or out: It's definitely poking out. Certain dresses or shirts you can definitely see it.
wedding rings on or off: They've been off completely. My feet and fingers are puffy. Bleck!
are: starting to get ready for their big debut, tipping the scales at almost 4lbs. and topping out at about 19 inches. In the past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as they hone the skills they will need to thrive outside the womb- from swallowing and breathing to kick and sucking. Little ones have been able to suck their thumbs for awhile now. As more and more fat collects under the babies skin, they are becoming less transparent and more opaque.
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