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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thoughts on Thursday- What I bought/returned from Nordstrom

Happy Thursday Lovies!

Can I just say THANK YOU LORD this week is almost over?! I think everyone and their brother has been posting about the Nordstrom anniversary sale. I was able to shop early since I caved and got a credit card (shhh don't tell the Hubs! :)). I really held back buying clothes or shoes for myself. For some reason I'm scared too death that my feet will grow and I won't be able to wear any of my shoes. I know.. I'm crazy! I also am worried that clothes will be challenge so I decided to steer clear for now. I did make some purchases and already returned some things. Here is what I got and returned.

Zella LeggingsAlternate Product Image 1I've heard sooo many good things about these. I figured they would be good post babies. I also wore my regular leggings until my body wouldn't let me anymore so they are majorly stretched out and need to be tossed asap!

Hanky Panky ThongsAlternate Product Image 1 I've also heard so many good things about these undies. I like that they are one size fits all with my circumstances. All of my current undies will need to be tossed after getting back to a normal weight.

Kendra Scott NecklaceAlternate Product Image 1 Selected I've been eyeing this necklace for months! I was so excited it was included in the sale. I went with the white iridescent that is currently sold out. I've already worn this twice!

Kate Spade Phone CaseAlternate Product Image 1- I ordered this thinking it was super cute. Well I didn't look at it close enough to realize it was for the iphone6 PLUS not my regular iphone6. So I have sent this back. I love the gold/rose gold. The iphone6 version is white/gold.. I don't love it so oh well.

Tory Burch AviatorsAlternate Product Image 1- I ordered these in gold. I've really wanted some new sunglasses for awhile now. I really like polarized and these were an amazing deal. I got them and I seriously looked like a bug. Round shaped glasses and my round shaped face don't mix. Back they went. I'm kinda sad but is what it is.

+ I also bought my boys a MudPie picture frame that says Brothers and 2 of the Little Sophia teething ring/book combos, my niece some PJ's for Christmas, and myself a waist cincher. I would have included the link in these but they seem to be sold out. (I took too long to post about it.. ha!)

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my purchases. I tried to refrain from going too crazy. There are still so many things we need to get for the boys before they coming I'm trying to be good!

Thoughts for Thursday

Linking up with Natalie and Annie.

1 comment:

  1. Great purchases!! I did some new Hanky Pankys and zella leggings too. I had that KS phone case in my cart, but then decided I really didn't need it! I already own 3 of those KS necklaces and it took everything I had not to order another one. haha. I'm so excited for your pregnancy and two baby boys!! I can't believe it. You will love all these nice treats for yourself now and post pregnancy! Thanks for linking up.
