Happy Monday Lovies!
Sorry I have been a horrible blogger lately. The Hubs has had this viral/cold crap since we got back from Savannah. He also decided to share this with me. Bleck!
Saturday we had tickets to Beericana. It was this craft beer, music, and food truck event in Holly Springs. The food was delicious, especially the cupcakes! The beer was good and so was the company.
We had a good time but I think we over did it. The Hubs woke up at 4am Sunday coughing like crazy. So we didn't leave the house at all yesterday. Just resting and trying to get over this viral plague that has infected our house. I've managed to wash everything in hopes of killing all germs. Hoping to make this week a better one than last! :)
I hope everyone has a fabulous Monday!
I hope you both feel better soon!