I'm excited today is my Friday! I'll be back on Monday for a weekend recap. I've seen Natasha and Natalie do this little questionaire last week so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon too!
I'm Megan. I go by Megan although I will answer to Meg or Megan Arnold (college days!) as well. I have sooo many friends named Megan that sometimes we have to mix it up. My Dad used to cringe and quickly correct people when they called me Meg but it never bothered me. I could definitely be called worse.. hahaha! I'm 31 (I seriously cringed when typing this!). Every day over 29 has been kinda hard to swallow. I just thought at 30 that I'd have this amazing career, married for longer, have a ton of kids.. you know that whole picturesque life. My life is pretty great, don't get me wrong but I just thought 30 was well.. OLD! I have my days I feel old but just nothing like I thought it would be. I live in Holly Springs, North Carolina. I've lived in North Carolina my entire life. I grew up about an hour North of Raleigh in Franklin County. I moved to Raleigh for college. I briefly moved back to my small town but had to get back closer to the city. After my office closed and moved to Cary, getting engaged and married to my now husband I moved to New Hill, NC for a small time. We moved to Holly Springs about a year ago. We love it here!
I work for a bank as a credit analyst in the commercial real estate section. I've been here 8 years! I say it that way because I never had any intentions of staying here this long. We've also been through a lot of reorganizations and lay offs and some how I survived all of these. I'm grateful but I'm still on the fence if this is something I want to do for the long haul.
Husband- The Hubs- I call him this because doesn't like being on the blog. In fact he was against me starting this at all. Once I got started he's lightened up a bit and has been really supportive. I just try to keep him off as much as I can.
Kids- None. I still feel like we're newlyweds. That's what happens when you get married, sell 2 houses and build 1 all within your first year of marriage. We will be married 2 years this year on December 1.
Pets- Kasey, 12 year old yellow lab. She was the Hub's dog and I still call her that. She doesn't listen to me unless I have a treat or a bud light in my hand. Hahaha.
This picture is from our Christmas card last year. My MIL took these at our brand new house. This was taken before we actually moved in.
HobbiesBlogging, Shopping, Attempting to Cook, Attempting to Garden, Attempting to Work Out, Attempting DIY Projects, Decorating (especially for the holidays!), and Sitting on the Beach (not sure if it's a hobby but I'm going with it!)
What You'll Find on this Blog
-My life.. the good, the bad, and the crazy!
-My shopping finds, wishlists, bucket lists
-Whatever I'm in the mood for that day
-I hope to include more of our house at some point- I'm attempting to decorate it
Favorite Movie
The Help
Favorite Music
I like it all! I grew up on only country from my parents. I took dance so I was exposed to show much more. High school I was really into rap. College I really got into beach music. Now I will definitely flip stations a lot. I do still lean more to country but my ipod is a smorgasboard!
I love the smell of coffee but loathe the taste of it! I don't drink anything with caffeine at all.. ever.. I have a heart condition so that's a no go. I gave up soft drinks one year for lent and I haven't looked back. I also gave up sweet tea one year for lent and went from a nalgene bottle a day to not being able to stand it now. So my days are usually H20. Once in awhile you'll see a chocolate milk. I love beer, red wine and mojitos.
Favorite Food
Seafood/Sushi.. I could get sushi every day of my life!
Favorite Places to Shop
Target, Homegoods, Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Belk, Nordstrom, Banana Republic, Saks
Bedtime and Wake Up Time
Bed around 10 pm ( I know I'm old and I need my beauty sleep!) and wake up around 7am, I usually hit snooze a couple of times though!
Biggest Pet Peeve
People that waste food.
Five Things I Can't Live Without
1- TV- I'm addicted to reality TV- The Kardashians!
2- My Phone- I feel lost without that thing.
3- Jewelry- I'm a creature of habit I feel naked without my earrings, watch, wedding rings, college ring, and bracelets.
4-Chocolate.. I have a serious sweet tooth!
5-Contacts- I'm blind as a bat per the Hubs and I loathe wearing glasses.
Feel free to ask anything. Thanks for stopping by!
Loved getting to know you better!! That's great that you've been at your job for so long and still enjoy it! I can't live without chocolate or my phone either!