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Thursday, July 28, 2016

What I've been up to..

Well hello there Lovies!

I know I know.. I suck at this whole blogging thing lately. Honestly I feel like I've sucked at life. I have had 4 blissful nights of uninterrupted sleep and it has been a God sent! First time of consecutive sleep since my little monkeys made their debut into the world. I'm praying it's a new normal because the last few weeks have had me spiraling out of it. I don't know how you Mommy's of more than one kiddo do it. Kudos! I have so much to learn from you all! Here are a few highlights of my life lately..

+ My house.. well it's a wreck! No sleep, trying to feed babies, bathe babies, work, vacay, birthday parties.. well the house is on the back burner and I hate that. I want to hire someone but my husband says no unless I cut back on spending. I may or may not be looking for quotes behind his back. Sometimes you just gotta do it!

+ My phone.. completely full of pictures of my kiddos and zero room for anything else. I mean not even room for an app update. Sadly most of the pictures are old. I wasn't able to take one single picture with my phone on vacay. I MUST sit down and transfer them all over so I can free up some space. And how do you delete those sweet faces from your phone?! Mommy issues.

+ My computer.. well it's on the fritz. I think it has a virus. I attempted to take it to the geek squad but I could buy a brand new laptop for what they wanted to charge me for a virus clean up. I mean that's ridiculous. I need to find someone savvy in computers and pay them in alcohol.. any takers?

+ Work.. has been well just INSANE. I like that I am busy but some days I can't even think straight. Very thankful to have a job but some days I wish I could just be home with my monkeys. A girl can dream, right?

+ My boys.. have been so fun lately. Bennett has started trying to give angel kisses but he just rests his forehead to yours. He puts his little hand on my face and I just melt! Cameron is a pro at angel kisses and thinks they are hilarious. He has the sweetest laugh and that kid is into EVERYTHING! They will be 10 months old on Saturday (excuse me while I hold back tears). They are my heart!

+ Vacay.. well vacay was ok. Too short! It started off with funeral services for one of my husbands dearest friends. He was in a car accident the week before July 4th and never recovered. His injuries were too extensive. I wasn't close with Ryan but it hit me harder than I expected. He was a father.. of two little girls- 7 and 9. Breaks my heart that they won't their Daddy to watch them grow. I couldn't even talk to his wife. All I could do was cry and hug her. I can't imagine my husband leaving us and our boys. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to his family. Out of this tragedy something amazing resulted. Ryan was able to save 3 people by donating his organs and possibly 3 more with his bone marrow. Please keep all of these families in your prayers. So after this I was emotionally and physically drained to kick off vacay. I didn't get much accomplished. I didn't take but like 2 pictures of the boys but I soaked up every minute possible. I lived in the moment and hugged my babies a little tighter so overall it was good.

+ Baby Food.. I've made everything possible for my boys. They LOVE food and have become little eating machines. I love knowing what they are eating but I will tell ya.. I hit a wall the other week because I felt like I couldn't keep up. I almost broke down and went to buy prepackaged food. Then I just decided to try to eat more of what the boys can eat and that's helped a bit. They are getting to the point where they'd rather eat off my plate anyways.

So my friends.. I'm a HOT MESS but I'm trying to regroup around here. Slowly but surely. And if you made it this far- I'm in SHOCK! Happy Thursday Lovies!

Linking up with Danielle for Confessional Thursday.

Linking up with Annie and Natalie for Thoughts for Thursday.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

9 months!

I know I say this every month but I seriously can't believe my little monkeys are 9 months old! This post is almost 2 weeks late..oopps! This is such a fun stage. They definitely keep me entertained and on my toes!

Bennett (on the Right)

Weight/Height from 07/07/16 appointment: You weigh 9lbs 4.3oz and are 2' 5". 

Sleep: You are still sleeping like a champ for the most part. 

Clothes and Diaper Size: Most clothes are 9 months- 18months. All sleepers are 12-18 months now. You are in size 3 diapers.

Diet: Formula, purees, and regular food. You LOVE eating off Mommy's plate. You literally scream if anyone is eating anything around you. You want to eat too. 

Products We Love: Phil and Ted's Lobster chairs.. seriously! BEST THINGS EVER!! And no they didn't sponsor this but seriously.. buy one of these! Still love Sophie and your lovie.

Milestones: You are sitting up like a champ.  You still have zero interest in crawling. You said night night last week. You constantly say Mama- i love it! I think your Daddy is jealous though. 

Likes: Still like your brother being silly or crying- you think it's the funniest thing ever! Being sang to, talked to, or patty cake. Mommy smiling at you. You also like stealing your brother's toy or pulling his wubanub out of his mouth- then laughing. 

Dislikes: Being held too long. You definitely like to stretch out and be free. You're starting to dislike not being able to be as mobile and sit up like your brother. I think you get frustrated that you can't do it all just yet. 

Everyone says you are a total Mama's boy and I have to admit I love it! You shake your head and move your entire body- it's the cutest thing ever. You are starting to be obsessed with TV. The sitter says you love Sesame Street and you like the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at home. You are our water baby. You will sit in a pool for hours! You love splashing around. 

Cameron (On the Left)

Weight/Height from 3/31/16 appointment: You weigh 21lb 11.3oz and are 2' 6" tall. 

Sleep: Sleep for you is still somewhat hit or miss. Most nights you make it until 5am or so. I say most but last week there were several 3am times. When you are awake you think everyone needs to be aware! LOL!

Clothes and Diaper Size: Wearing 9 months-18 months now.  Sleepers are size 12-18 months. Size 3 diapers.

Diet: Formula, purees, and regular food. Your brother screams for food and when we feed him.. you then scream for some too. You can kill a cracker in no time flat and still love all the sweet fruits!

Products We Love: Phil and Ted's Lobster chairs.. seriously! BEST THINGS EVER!! And no they didn't sponsor this but seriously.. buy one of these! Still love Sophie. Anything you can chew on you like.

Milestones: You are ALL over the place! You crawl, climb, and are pulling up to stand. Trying to keep you in one spot is hard these days.

Likes: Standing up assisted. Still love bouncing and trying to get into anything you're not supposed to like cords, magazines, phones, and tv remotes. Attention. If you're not getting it you will yell or fake cough. 

Dislikes: Laying down or anywhere where you can't see everything, not getting attention when you want it and being hungry.

You aren't the biggest fan of water. You are over it in about 30 mintues. You are seriously into everything! I can't turn my back for a second. You love crawling around under my feet in the kitchen and pulling on my ankles. You want to see what I'm doing. You will follow me carrying your brother in the room to be changed and out. You shake your head no and imitate sounds. 

The fact that you're both starting to be like toddlers and babies makes me sad. Although you are loads of fun and personality! Love you both to the moon and back!