Happy New Year Lovies!
I had no intention of staying away this long. Thanks to the flu, my life was sort of put on hold. Here's what's been going on on with me.
Christmas Eve we attended the 3pm services at our church.
My friends precious little boy as a shephard!
The Hubs and I.
After church we ventured to my MIL's. It was complete and utter choas. Food, family, and presents with the extended family.
Christmas Day was nothing short a whirlwind. We woke early to have breakfast with my parents and grandparents.
We left my parents in Louisburg and drove to Sanford to my MIL's. We had a brunch spread there. We left there for my FIL's for dinner. I was BEAT when we got home!
Friday morning I woke feeling even more tired. I didn't move from the couch much and by the afternoon had chills. The fever started at 99 around dinner time. Saturday morning my fever slowly started to rise and I had body aches. I called Fast Med urgent care and got on their wait list. I arrived at 3:15pm. After waiting 3 hours I had the flu. We scrambled to only find Walmart pharmacy still open and luckily they had Tamiflu. So the next few days were a blur and mix of couch and bed time.
New Year's Eve I still wasn't feeling up to par. Our neighbor had made some appetizers. I brought over some champagne in my pj's and we watched Ryan Seacrest's countdown. By 12:15 I was snuggled in my bed.
New Year's Day I threw a pork tenderloin in the crockpot, made marinated collards, black eyed peas, and baked some friend okra. Luckily most things were frozen and easy to throw together.
Friday was my day back at work. I still had a horrible cough but I made it in the office. By lunch time my boss sent us home since most of us had the flu over Christmas and still were not feeling up to par.
Saturday I had lunch with two of my besties! Sorry no pictures. I came home to take a nap since it was a rainy messy afternoon. Saturday night we had dinner to celebrate a friends birthday. We had a nice group and it was good to see them and celebrate.
Sunday morning I woke up to my Hubs fixing me french toast.
I still have an annoying cough today. I've heard it will stick around awhile.. BOO! But I do feel like I'm on the mend. I hope everyone had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!